Friday, September 18, 2009

Say it aint so Joe....

It's a sad day in the Yankee Universe. Peter Abraham, who is a beat writer and writes the best blog on the Yankees, is leaving to come back home to Boston and cover the Sox for the Globe. While I wish him all the best, now I'll have to figure out another way to waste my time when I'm supposed to be working or writing a sermon. For all the Sox fans out there, you will simply have to follow his writing and his blog. He's the best!


  1. And yet, in my world, it's those of us who trained to be professionals, but missed, who are not to sing. We're not "good enough" to be pro, but "too good" to make those who didn't train comfortable. So, we stand in silence, and hope not to offend.

    That's been my experience in churches, at least. It just took me awhile to learn it, to really, really learn it. I didn't realize how the whole thing was being perceived.

    Still, it's kind of ok - it's my work, not who I am - and I have found ways to praise God not involving that thing that I once thought was a gift, but have come to realize was just yet another genetic quirk. The only true mistake was training it - because I took the whole "multiple your talents" thing at face value. What a mistake.

    (Nancy Howells)

  2. Oops - was supposed to go to the later posting - must have hit the wrong link - bad refresh button! (Nancy Howells)
