Thursday, December 10, 2009

I finally figured it out

In the closing section of one of the classes I am taking, the professor, Helmut Koester, was asked about his background and how he ended up where he was today. He was born in raised in Germany and served in the German. Because he grew up under Nazi rule, for most of his life, which included his father losing his job and being imprisoned by the gestapo for a time, he had not had access to anything which the Nazi's deemed "inappropriate" including books, music and art. While he was in the German army during the last two years of the war, they were working out of a building in Berlin which had formerly housed governmental offices. In one of the offices they found a stash of some of those forbidden materials and so the first exposure he had to jazz music was listening to records that had been confiscated by the Nazi's but not destroyed.

This should hardly be a surprise as often those who seek to "protect" us from things hold onto them in order to make sure we don't get them, or even worse watch, read or listen to them (this is not true of all). If you study the anti-pornography movement you will find that some of them have very large collections of pornography. Some who specialize in their distaste of certain types will even have the largest known collection of that type. And of course they have to watch these materials in order to know how disgusting these things are so they know what we need to be protected from. In other words it is not us that have problems but they need to be protected from themselves and their own interests.

Which leads me to this. I think I have finally figured out why conservatives have been pushing so strongly for abstinence only sex education. It can't be because it works, because it doesn't. All the independent studies show this, and reality shows it as well. Teenagers with the highest rates of sexual activity are those that self-identify as evangelical Christians, and areas with the highest religious identification also have the highest teen pregnancy rate as well as out-of-wedlock birth rates. These things shouldn't go together if these programs work. Then today, because of some events in my own life which I won't go into, it hit me. They don't want these programs to work because what they know is that the biggest cause of abstinence amojg adults is children. If teenagers go out and have sex and have children then they will become abstinent because they no longer have the time or the energy to have sex. Of course it's the second child that really gets it going, so the bigger the failure the program is the better it works. They know that if the initial education fails and the kids have children that this will lead to true abstinence, and then the program is a success. It's diabolically genius!

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