Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Christian Education

“Happy New Year!!!” That was the recent title for a post on Elizabeth Windsor, our director of Christian education’s blog. This might seem like an unusual thing to be talking about, after all it’s only September. Even with holidays appearing in stores long before the actual holiday approaches (do we really need Halloween candy out already?) it still seems way too early to be discussing the New Year. This is true even if we are discussing the beginning of the church calendar which occurs at the end of November. (This does not apply, of course for our Jewish brothers and sisters who just had the new year)

But, as Elizabeth notes, “those of us with children or who work in academia or in the Church School KNOW that the year really begins in September!!” Even as someone who loves cold weather and is enjoying the recent change in temperatures, I still don’t know where the summer went. Could it really be that summer is over and we are back into normal our routines? So it seems, and so this Sunday we begin our church school year once again.

Our kids are one year older and ready to learn new things, we have new teachers willing to give of their time and talents, we have new members of the Christian Education Commission ready to undertake a new program year, and the staff has another year of experience and new ideas to try and make our program even better than it already is. How are you participating?

Each time we baptize anyone, we as a congregation take a pledge to “surround (the newly baptized person) with a community of love and forgiveness, that they may grow in their trust of God and be found faithful in their service to others.” In addition, through the reception of new members we also “renew our covenant faithfully to participate in the ministries of the church by our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness.” One of the ways we fulfill these vows for ourselves and for others is through Christian education.

Christian Education is always looking for volunteers, and while Sunday school teachers are the most visible aspects of the program, there are other ways to be of service. You can help with the pageant, the Barn Sing, entering information into a database, making sure the supply closet is clean, organized and stocked, helping to cover in case someone is sick, helping in the nursery, becoming a God Squad or Club 67 mentor, or volunteering your time in many other ways. There are tasks that occur over a longer period of time and there are tasks that are very time limited. The long and short of it is there are ways for each one of us to give of ourselves.

But, we ask you not only to give of your time and talents, but we also ask that you participate in one of the numerous classes we have scheduled for this year. Last year we had more than 180 adults participate in at least one CornerStones class. Can we beat that number this year? There are lots of different classes being offered, and perhaps if you don’t see something of interest to you, then maybe you might be willing to offer something.

I hope you will join us this Sunday as we celebrate the beginning of the Christian Education year, but don’t let it end there. We hope you will continue to take part in the various programs we have this year through both your participation as a volunteer and your attendance to increase your own knowledge. As Proverbs tells us, the “LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding…”

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